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New posts in java-native-interface

Failed adding to JNI pinned array ref table (1024 entries)

Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV)

How to convert byte[] in Android to uint8_T array in C?

Running JVM from C++ code and setting classpath

How to define and pass ByteBuffer using swig?

How can i implement two JNI methods with same name but different Params?

'Symbol lookup error' with netlib-java

JNI DETECTED ERROR IN APPLICATION: the return type of CallObjectMethodV does not match void android.media.AudioTrack.play()

tool to generate C++ wrapper over java class

Jni Reference Table overflow

Java calling C calling Java

Getting a null byte array in java from JNI

maven-nar-plugin vs native-maven-plugin, which is better?

Android - Calling System.loadLibrary() causes process to die

How to get a fast file Hashing algorithm for large files on a mobile device

android applicatin can't find jni library when installed as system application

what is wrong with this call to the java method?

Why does NetBeans declare low memory when I run an LWJGL-based Java app several times?

OpenCV as JBoss-as global module

JNI_OnLoad returned bad version (-1)