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Comparing Object and int in Java 7

How to change tomcat compiler

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Java 7: ThreadLocalRandom generating the same random numbers

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Compile error: "'<>' cannot be used with anonymous classes" [duplicate]

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JDK 1.7 breaks backward compatibility? (generics)

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Order of traversal in Files.walkFileTree

Eclipse error 'UseStringDeduplication'

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What is the Maximum value for Java Duration

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Try-with-resources scope of resource

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Obfuscation causes VerifyError: Expecting a stackmap frame

Error when using LogManager (l4j2) with Java 8 (java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement cannot be resolved)

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Create new file or overwrite existing one with Files.newBufferedWriter in Java 7

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Any current workarounds to use Sonar for Java 7 code?

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Java 1.7 varargs function reported as unchecked warning

How can I prevent Eclipse from supplying deprecated classes when importing?

Netbeans Profiler: Connecting to the target vm forever

java netbeans profiler java-7

Java 7 diamond operator: why was it difficult to implement?

Java7 WatchService - Access Denied error trying to delete recursively watched nested directories (Windows only)

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Wrap long words in JTextPane (Java 7)

What is the difference between the Java 1.6 and 1.7 jarsigner

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