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New posts in java-7

Why diamond operator is used for Type Inference in Java 7?

Will compiling for Java 1.5 on Java 1.7 still work?

java java-7 java-5

How do I force a static generic method's return type?

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How do I install JDK7 (Java 7) on Mac OS X 10.7.3? [closed]

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Android studio is not working on windows 7 [duplicate]

Java Thread priority has no effect

javac behavior change in JDK 7 regarding private member access

replace classes from sun.security.* packages

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How to get numeric groupid/userid using java7 file attribute apis?

java java-7

Java 7 String switch decompiled: unexpected instruction

Should I use Groovy's @CompileStatic if I'm also using Java 7

Android Studio: what compiler settings when including Google Maps

Why does Collections.sort(List) work in Java 8 with CopyOnWriteArrayList but not in Java 7?

java collections java-8 java-7

What is the convention for instantiating collections of user defined types?

Any new method to get current time with accuracy in microseconds in Java now?

java time java-7

Why can't I .invokeExact() here, even though the MethodType is OK?

java java-7 methodhandle

JDK interface for processing a generic parameter

generics interface java java-7

Read file from classpath with Java 7 NIO

java io classpath java-7

Why did PropertyDescriptor behavior change from Java 1.6 to 1.7?

java spring javabeans java-7

What on earth is "Self-suppression not permitted" and why is Javac generating code which results in this error?