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New posts in invokedynamic

invokedynamic and implicit methods

MethodHandle example throws WrongMethodTypeException on invokeExact call

Lambda matches signature of a FunctionalInterface, yet "does not". How do you explain that the argument is passed at all?

Implement duck typing using java MethodHandles

BootstrapMethodError caused by LambdaConversionException caused by using MethodHandle::invokeExact as a method reference

Benefit of specifying -jvm-target / jvmTarget version other than 1.8

Generating working invokedynamic instruction with ASM

How to mimic `tableswitch` using `MethodHandle`?

Why is there a difference between Java8 and Scala2.12 lambda cache?

Execution of bubble sort is 5 times slower with --indy

grails 2 / groovy 2 / JDK7: how to reap the benefits?

MethodHandles or LambdaMetafactory?

How to invoke constructor using LambdaMetaFactory?

How much will JSR-292 (invokedynamic) do to Groovy performance?

java groovy invokedynamic

How to call MethodHandle.invokeExact() with an array of Object[]?

Invoke private method with java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle

Clojure JVM 7/8 improvements

Should I use Groovy's @CompileStatic if I'm also using Java 7

Convert MethodHandle to method reference (here Function)