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New posts in jakarta-ee

What is optimistic lock in JPA?

java jakarta-ee jpa

jax-ws web service does not work in websphere 8.5

how to stop this javax.xml.ws.Endpoint service

Filtering web.xml when using the jetty-maven-plugin?

how to Hide JSF URL after the application name?

jsf jakarta-ee

JAVA EE 7 First cup tutorial, can't install Glassfish 4 update center

Inject @SessionScoped CDI Bean to @Stateless EJB

Get cumulative value from a List of Map<String, Integer>

Using a LabelValueBean properly

java jsp jakarta-ee struts2 ognl

Implement JACC provider

Fill annotation parameter value with value from properties file

java jakarta-ee

Java Application Servers and JVM

java jakarta-ee jvm

loading keystore file, no alias found

Implementing WebRTC Signaling using WebSockets

Is it possible to determine group membership of a user on demand instead of when logging in in ServerAuthModule (JASPIC)

java jakarta-ee jaspic

Benefits over using an EAR vs. WAR?

java jakarta-ee war wildfly ear

EJB Pooling vs Thread-safe and @PreDestroy

How to print the sql query executing in mybatis mapper xml to the console

Scheduled still running after disable or undeploy my application

How to catch and wrap exceptions thrown by JTA when a container-managed-tx EJB commits?