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New posts in jakarta-ee

New to Java EE; architecture suggestions for a service/daemon?

Seam Faces causes a deploy-time error

java jakarta-ee seam cdi seam3

JPA 2 (EclipseLink) Trying to use UUID as primary key EntityManager.find() always throws exception (Database is PostgreSQL)

javax.ejb.NoSuchEJBException after redeploying EJBs

User managed security in Java EE

EJB3.1 properties file injection

jakarta-ee ejb-3.1

EAR vs. RPM for shipping web applications?

java linux jakarta-ee

Upgrade Hibernate version in JBOSS

Can CDI managed beans and JSF managed beans talk to each other?

Container Managed Security for Web APplication

Convert XML to database with Java

unit-testing a ejb3.0 which has another ejb injected

JSP, Sitemesh and Tiles hardcore - any alternatives? [closed]

Write HQL clause using Hibernate Criteria API

Standard conventions or good practices when naming local/remote interfaces of EJBs?

How to inject a non-serializable class (like java.util.ResourceBundle) with Weld

Does JAXB support xsd:restriction?

JSF: initial request and postback request?

java jsf jakarta-ee postback

Exception :com.sun.jersey.spi.inject.Errors$ErrorMessagesException

java jakarta-ee jersey

How to retrieve the datasource used by a persistence unit programmatically