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Display all unicode characters in Emacs under OS X

emacs unicode iterm2

Iterm2 colors - using the 42m or 41m options

iTerm2 closing curly brace not working

macos shell zsh iterm2

Highlight specific keywords in the terminal as they appear

terminal iterm2

enable mouse scrolling but not mouse visual selection in vim?

vim iterm2

How do I configure iTerm2 to open URLs in a specific browser?


Iterm2 path color setting

macos colors terminal iterm2

How to stop ZSH from merging history for all closing tabs?

zsh iterm2 oh-my-zsh

ZSH "command not found: z"

zsh iterm2 oh-my-zsh

How to put "enter" or "return" when sending text in iTerm2

iterm2 iterm

ZSH keeps breaking with `zsh: fork failed:`

zsh iterm2 oh-my-zsh

When I switch desktops in macOS with multiple displays, why is focus switching to another unexpected application (iTerm2 or VSCode in my case)?

iTerm 2 not honoring key bindings declared in .tmux.conf

tmux iterm2

Tab completion freezes for Git commands only

How to prevent iterm2 from closing when typing Ctrl-D (EOF)

shell unix fish iterm2

Find out corresponding escape sequence for a given key combo

emacs key-bindings iterm2

Use iTerm2 as X11 terminal (for fonts, themes, etc)?

iTerm2 v3 conversion of tabs to spaces on paste


VIM really slow with long yaml

macos vim iterm2