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New posts in ios7

iOS 7 UISearchBar UISearchBarIconSearch

ios7 uisearchbar

Black line at bottom of elastic scrolling in uiwebview?

ios uiwebview ios7

iOS 7 change UITableViewCell font color to blue like in Settings app

ios uitableview fonts ios7

Path to file in app bundle

ios ios7 swift nsxmlparser

Why is my iOS 7 app running at 100 percent processor load after some time?

ios7 cpu-usage

AirDrop iOS 7 new feature

ios7 airdrop

NSURLRequest cache issue iOS 7

pageIndicatorTintColor in UIPageControl stays translucent white in iOS7

NSString sizeWithFont: alternative in iOS7


How do I get word wrap information with the new iOS 7 APIs?

Setting corner radius on UIDatePicker with a background color

How to force -drawViewHierarchyInRect:afterScreenUpdates: to take snapshots at @2x resolution?

Schedule UILocalNotification everyday at specific time

Cropping an Image in portrait on iOS 7 results in incorrect orientation

ios objective-c uiimage ios7

How do I make the color of UIBarButtonItems for MFMailComposeViewController from the default blue?

How to programmatically turn off iOS 7 auto layout

ios7 autolayout

Creating a night theme for my app [closed]

supportedInterfaceOrientations not called with iOS 7

iOS 7 error Warning: Attempt to dismiss from view controller <UINavigationController: 0x1568db40> while a presentation or dismiss is in progress

Textfield does not focus in UI WebView in iOS7