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New posts in ios7

UICollectionView section headers flicker issue

UITabBarItem change badge colour in iOS 7.1

ios ios7 uitabbaritem

Trying to add subview to navigation bar

How to tell that AVAudioPlayer has finished playing

MKPinAnnotationView rightCalloutAccessoryView doesn't send calloutAccessoryControlTapped on iOS7

ios ios7 mkmapviewdelegate

reportAchievementWithCompletionHandler deprecated in iOS7 but replacement not specified

ios ios7 game-center

Getting Download progress with AFNetworking 2.0 + NSProgress + Custom ProgressView

Edge flicker when transitioning between screens ios7

IOS 7 button image color

How to resolve the "NSInternalInconsistencyException" error in Objective-C?

How to prevent UIWebViewBounce, "rubber banding"

Different UIScreen bounds returned by iOS7 and iOS8 [duplicate]

ios objective-c iphone ios7 ios8

App get Rejected: crashes on launch , but worked fine for me on all devices as well

Dynamically resize label in iOS 7

objective-c uilabel ios7

iOS : Hide status bar in entire app programmatically not even through plist

Monitoring multiple beacon regions is not working yet developers have said it's possible? Thoughts? (See my code)

Swift: Core Data on IOS7 device -> entityForName on second entity is nil

ios iphone core-data ios7 swift

iOS7 itms-services scheme not work?

Views are Horizontally and Vertically Ambiguous with complex layout

ios xcode ios7 autolayout

Add a subview to background / back of stack?

objective-c ios7