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New posts in ios4

What are good techniques for high performance full screen bit-blitting on iOS?

iphone ios4 ios

How to find iOS 4 only code in iPhone project

Anyone know iOS library or sample for drawing diagrams like mind maps/ visio/ gra

Which fonts are available on iOS 4.2?

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Converting table view to have sections

Workaround for 'background-attachment: fixed' which is not working in iOS4

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Releasing IOS app with files in Library directory

ios ios4

Why is my app getting didReceiveMemoryWarning and gets killed although memory is constant and there is enough memory available?

Barcode SDK to support 1D, QR code, data matrix etc. for iPhone

Publishing Check-in via Facebook IOS SDK

CLLocationManager didUpdateToLocation versus MKMapView's didUpdateUserLocation

Does Safari on iOS support the DNS Prefetch directive?

ios html ios4 mobile-safari

Convert pdf file to text file

iphone objective-c ipad pdf ios4

Is a Dynamically Linked Framework possible on iOS?

iphone objective-c ios ipad ios4

iOS app gets completely misaligned when switching from 5 to 4.3 in simulator

ios cocoa-touch ios5 ios4 uiview

To show A FirstViewController On Call of a method from SecondViewController in Iphone

iOS and unarchiving xib files

UIScrollView cannot see ScrollBars/Indicators.

Structs to NSData to Structs?

iphone objective-c xcode ios4

Nsdateformatter returns me day in language of the phone selected. Can it return me only English all the time?