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New posts in ios4

Compiling ffmpeg for iPhone SDK (Symbol(s) not found - Linker)

Vibrate iPhone for specified duration

cocoa-touch ios ios4 vibration

How can I stop the tab bar spoiling my flip transition?

iphone ios4

Can I use multiple font style in UITextView?

ios4 uitextview

HTTP Proxy authentication in iOS 4.3

Issues with iOS 4.2 (working on 4.1, 4.3 and 4.2.1)

iphone ios-4.2 ios4

GHUnit Linker Error with App Classes

Sharekit is not working in iphone sdk

GroupedTableView in iphone

Objective-C – Difference in app startup methods from iOS 4 to iOS 5?

Error trying to create itunes app store test user; Could not convert Apple ID account to iTunes store account

There is a way to link GLKit in an IOS4 app?

opengl-es ios4 glkit

Is it possible for a date picker to present year/month/day + day name?

iphone objective-c ios5 ios4

iphone to send email using smtp server?

iphone objective-c xcode ios4

iPhone simulator doesn't see my NSString category

iphone xcode ios4

Adding Older iOS SDKs to Xcode 4.1 in Lion

ios xcode ios4 osx-lion

Resize CATextLayer to fit text on iOS

iPhone Read UIimage (frames) from video with AVFoundation

ios ios4 avfoundation

Make iOS blocks execute synchronously

UITextField auto correction crash in iOS 4.3 on simulator