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New posts in ios4

xcode4 "dyld: Symbol not found: _OBJC_CLASS_$_AVCaptureDevice" error

iOS - QuickLook - How to open an object in QuickLook without a UIScrollView

iPhone Crash Log: Failed to Resume in Time

Build and project management tool for iOs build and dependencies

Video freezes on camera switch with AVFoundation

Scrolling to a rect when UIScrollView is zoomed?

How can I conditionally declare a delegate in an interface declaration?

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adding a simple library to an xcode 4 project

xcode ios4

Iphonesdk Merge three images two single image

Making uitextview scroll programmatically

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No View Based Application Template XCode

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How to detect whether the host device is iPhone or iPad? [duplicate]

iphone cocoa-touch ios4 device

How do I detect whenever two UIImageView overlap?

Search and save images from google images in iphone sdk

how to get the memory size occupied by a image programatically in iphone sdk?

objective-c ios4

objective-c: draw line on top of UIImage or UIImageView

objective-c ios4

How to set a reminder(alarm) using eventKit framework for a particular date

How can I specify the return types in GCD blocks

Do background applications *ever* quit in iOS 4?

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AVAsset and AVAssetTrack - Track Management in IOS 4.0

iphone ios4