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Fonts not displaying in Interface Builder

Automatic iVars with @synthesize

Cannot find protocol declaration for 'MyObjectViewDelegate' when it is CLEARLY there ?1

iphone modal dialog like native "take picture, choose existing"

iphone ios4

Unit Tests for designs that use notifications

Create a glow around a UIView

Xcode4, iOS: Copied a target, why can't I change the identifier?

ios4 xcode4

What is the difference between MKOverlay and MKAnnotation?

UITableView "Scroll down to update"

iphone uitableview ios4

When do I use the initWithCoder: method?

iphone iphone-sdk-3.0 ios4

Is it better to store data in plist or Sqlite database? [duplicate]

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iPhone App - WAV sound files don't play

iphone ios ios4 audio

iPhone: How do I override the back button in a Navigation Controller?

iphone objective-c ios4

How can I add labels and text boxes programmatically in iPhone

iphone objective-c ios ios4

How do I use different images, depending on iOS device type?

UIView transition animation does not work with transitionWithView:duration:options:animations:completion method

How to check whether the UISegmentedControl is selected or not by user?

How can I make a scrollable TabBar...?

objective-c xcode ios4

Programmatically control iPhone OS versions to enable functions for both OS 3.x and 4 - MFMessageComposeViewController problem

iphone ios4

How do you connect a tab bar item to an action?