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New posts in ios4

Iphone application performance is slowing down with out any memory leak?

Programmatically zooming a UIWebView without gestures - Center Point not calculated correctly

uploading or exporting a large video sucks memory and causes crash...how can I break it up?

Not able to do authentication using client certificate in iPhone

Application is crashing when running with instruments

Linker error (only simulator) with own library after update to iPhone SDK 4.0

Activity Indicator when integrated into Searchbar does not display in iPhone SDK

Creating Iphone API for Aweber?

php objective-c api ios4

How move/reorder cells from TableView1 to TableView2

iOS 5 Developer Transition Guide?

Getting the Recepients list in MFMailComposeViewController

xcode ios 6 shake motion calls IBaction from previous view

iOS4 UIImagePickerController doesn't suport mediaTypes = [NSArray arrayWithObject:(NSString *) kUTTypeMovie]?

ios ios4 mobilecoreservices

CALayer position contains NaN: [nan -0.5]

iphone objective-c ios4

"Received memory warning. Level=2" with 4.x?


UIImagePickerController AVAudioPlayer

uilabel with outline or stroke [duplicate]

ios4 uilabel iphone

Preventing MFMailComposeViewController from scaling animated GIFs

PresentModel View Controller Problem

libGoogleAnalytics.a linking problems with iPhone iOS4 Simulator