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New posts in ioc-container

Castle Windsor - IoC registration for open generic interfaces?

Which Dependency Injection Tool Should I Use? [closed]

Which IoC container is better with Prism.Forms

Specify constructor for the Unity IoC container to use

Why are IOC containers unnecessary with dynamic languages

IoC.Resolve vs Constructor Injection

Difference between MEF and IoC containers (like Unity, Autofac, SMap, Ninject, Windsor.Spring.net, etc.)

Why is MVC4 using the Service Locator Anti-Pattern?

NInject: Where do you keep your reference to the Kernel?

Ninject + Bind generic repository

c# ioc-container ninject

Is it better to create a singleton to access unity container or pass it through the application? [closed]

MVC, EF - DataContext singleton instance Per-Web-Request in Unity

Is it possible to use Dependency Injection with xUnit?

Comparing Castle Windsor, Unity and StructureMap

Inject Generic Implementation using Guice

Creating an instance using Ninject with additional parameters in the constructor

c# ioc-container ninject

Windsor - pulling Transient objects from the container

Self injection with Spring

Laravel: Difference App::bind and App::singleton

Why not use an IoC container to resolve dependencies for entities/business objects?