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New posts in internationalization

Are there any solutions for translating measurement units on Rails?

Rails routes with scope ":locale" and shallow nested resources

Command or option for the xgettext, msginit, msgfmt sequence for setting the MIME type?

rails 3 validators & i18n

How to translate (internationalize, localize) application?

How To Use LOCALE_ID In Angular i18n Router Module

How to use i18n with a Grails/Groovy enum in a g:select?

Java web application i18n

Rails I18n of CSS file

How do I translate placeholder text in Rails 4?

Spring: Setting up locale

CSS reverse a whole website (mirror effect)

Insert array into database in a single row

How do I upper case an email address?

Django: any use of blocktrans causes TemplateSyntaxError

Parsing a currency String in java

i18n labels for nested models using simple_form

Java mail encoding non english characters

i18n for select boxes

Rails does not permit changing locale