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Insert array into database in a single row

I wonder if this would be doable ? To insert an array into one field in the database.

For instance I have a title, I want to have that title with only one id, but it's going to be bilingually used on the website.

It feels a bit unnecessary to make another table to have their global ids and then another table with the actual titles linked to the table with the global id.

I just want to have something like this

1       Array("english title", "nederlandse titel");

I'm using PHP/MSYQL, so if it would be doable could you please explain in these languages.

Oh yeah I figured that I could format it funky and use the split function to turn it into an array again. But I wonder if I could just store it as an array right away, I case the user might type something with the same formatting (one out of a million)

like image 815
Kasper Avatar asked Oct 09 '08 01:10


People also ask

Can you add an array to a database?

You have 2 ways of doing it: You can create a table (or multiple tables linked together) with a field for each key of your array, and insert into each field the corresponding value of your array. This is the most common way. You can just have a table with one field and put in here your array serialized.

How do you add an array to a table in SQL?

We can insert array elements in an array by mentioning them within curly braces {} with each element separated by commas.

How do I add an array to a single column in MySQL?

$data = array("one", "two", "tree"); // output one, two, three $insert_data = implode(",", $data); or $insert_data = json_encode($data); Thats for inserting data in single column. While retrieving you can do explode() or json_decode() to get the return data and can use them in the multi-select again.

Can we store array in MySQL?

MySQL doesn't have an array data type. This is a fundamental problem in architectures where storing denormalized rows is a requirement, for example, where MySQL is (also) used for data warehousing.

2 Answers

it's doable:

$title = serialize($array);

and then to decode:

$title = unserialize($mysql_data);

but as mentioned it really lessens the benefits of a database in the first place. i'd definitely suggest looking into a multi-table or multi-column option instead, depending on the amount of languages you want to support and if that number will change in the future.

edit: a good point mentioned by dcousineau (see comments)

Sometimes the serialized output, even after escaping, throws characters into the query that screws things up. You may want to wrap your serialize() in base64_encode() calls and then use base64_decode() before you unserialize.

adjusted code for those situations:

$title = base64_encode(serialize($array) );
$title = unserialize(base64_decode($mysql_data) );
like image 89
Owen Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 11:10


There's really only two reasonable choices here:

Join with another table
pros: unlimited titles in unlimited languages
cons: join overhead is more computationally expensive, SQL is marginally more complex to update/insert etc

Multiple columns
pros: fast to insert, select, etc
cons: limited number of languages, adding more is an ALTER TABLE

Given our two choices, you usually should should pick the first one. Unless you're dealing with just an obscene amount of transactions that cannot be parallelized, or you absosmurfly can ensure that you will never add languages, the extra flexibility in schema layout will save you headaches in the long run.

like image 45
bmdhacks Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 11:10
