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New posts in internationalization

Is a javascript object's toString function affected by localisation?

Converting russian characters from upper case to lower case in php

Rails I18n via database column

Is it possible to change Magento backend language for one user only?

django sending localized emails depending on UserProfile.language() field data

Fleshed out .po file sample

Polish months in date formatting

Supporting the Filipino language

Using new format string specifier configuration dictionary (plurals support) in iOS 7

CSS: "text-transform: capitalize" and Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, French, etc

How to use i18n variables in Pug template files?

Prefix routes with locale in vue.js (using vue-i18n)

Setting the language attribute when using i18n and Nuxt?

Does ICU handle the collation of a list of strings of varying languages?

Swing I18N: When to load properties?

Format date with month name in polish, in python

Easy way to translate a website

Cakephp 2.0 Localization for Model Messages

How to use special characters in C?

c internationalization

I18n in EmberJS (routing and in general)