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New posts in internationalization

How can I get a localized message in a grails GSP tag attribute?

localized nib not working in a iPhone project

How to find out locale-dependent text orientation in java?

Testing helper in rspec with I18n lazy lookup

Converting UTF8 text for use in a URL

Pluralising and Localizing strings in C#

c# wpf internationalization

poedit and xml files

How to use i18n translate method with Draper gem?

How to add locale for Arabic

Make sure translations JSON file has loaded before continuing to load Angular app

What are the recommended database column sizes for names? [closed]

Globalization in C#

PHP: case-insensitive preg_replace of a cyrillic string in UTF8

pluralize and singularize for spanish language

I18N / Angular JS / Javascript Text

Angular - internationalization (i18n)

Create a new resource bundle in Grails?

Supporting multiple languages in a Winforms application