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New posts in internationalization

I18n segments router Phoenix

Internationalization with multi project sphinx setup

Yii2: How to force using fallback MessageFormatter method?

Best approach to null safe AppLocalization strings

Web-based .resx file editor?

Run a Qt app in a different language?

Detect AM/PM vs 24 hr clock preference from Java Locale information?

xmodmap & multiple layouts

What is the best way of i18n in PHP

Custom sorting list of strings (following Chamorro language collation rules)

Display names of HealthKit types

toUpperCase on Android is incorrect for two-argument and default Greek and Turkish Locales

makemessages command results in html.py files and a UnicodeDecodeError

Best practices for internationalization/localization with lit-element/lit-html

Localising a PWA web manifest

Dynamic language switching in an Eclipse RCP application

Is there a best-practice approach for internationalization of an application?

Drupal : how to change current language of taxonomy

i18n localization plugin for Jquery Mobile?

Server-side internationalization for Backbone and Handlebars