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New posts in turkish

Why is this Turkish character being corrupted when I lowercase it?

Perl regex choking on multiple instances of character sets

php regex perl unicode turkish

Regex in javascript with latin and turkish characters

How can one get raw byte values into a varchar2 column in oracle?

Problems with Turkish SQL Collation (Turkish "I")

Turkish character encoding

lower case of turkish character dotted i

java locale java-7 turkish

OrientDB having trouble with Unicode, Turkish, and enums

Jsoup connect doesn't work correctly when link has Turkish letters

java jsoup turkish

HTML To PDF Turkish Character Problem

Python and Turkish capitalization

python locale turkish

Browser support and workarounds for Turkish lira sign

html unicode turkish

toUpperCase on Android is incorrect for two-argument and default Greek and Turkish Locales

String search with Turkish dotless i

How to set locale in JavaScript, for example for toLocaleUpperCase()?

How do I override Currency symbols in Java?

Postgres upper function on turkish character does not return expected result

Handle Turkish uppercase and lowercase correctly, need to modify/override built-in functions?

Qt Turkish characters in regular expressions

regex qt turkish