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New posts in internationalization

AngularJS and i18next

Sails.js: How to work with i18n in bootstrap

Use Built-in Messages in Inno Setup

What does it mean those translations marked as #~ in the django `.po` file?

Django compilemessages doesn't create .mo files

Django Translation not working even with LOCALE_PATHS

How to determine where to place the currency symbol when formatting a number?

Why is yii2's internationalization module case sensitive?

Changing locale in Angular at runtime?

NestJS / TypeORM localization

Problem with encoding in Django templates

i18n assets management / translation UI

JSF setLocale doesn't work appropriately

Java: howto write i18n string shorter

java internationalization

How to get PHP to use internationalised dates?

Internationalization with Hibernate

How can I traverse directories named in Japanese in Python?

Rails I18n: shorten the translate calls (at least in the views)

How to implement translation on a existing web project?

Rails 3 I18: translation missing: da.datetime.distance_in_words.about_x_hours