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New posts in internationalization

Develop multilingual windows application C#

Internationalization in the database

What's a good way to replace international characters with their base Latin counterparts using Python?

I18n and calendars - Can the calendar system remain as the Gregorian Calendar?

Setting floating point formatting locale for JSF / ICEfaces?

Django: Running site on many languages

iPhone : Is it possible to split Localizable.strings in many files

Localization with HTML-Tags

add multiple po files into one, the default.po

Maven filter garbling special characters

How can I programmatically find the list of codecs known to Python? [duplicate]

PHP: does gettext require LC_MESSAGES dirs?

Multi language PHP application: best practice?

Create custom international keyboard for iPhone

Django i18n not working

StockWatcher: errors when translating contents to german

gwt internationalization

Localizing timeAgoInWords in CakePHP

What's a I18N-friendly way to show a date range?

Django Language Selector in local and native language

Swing Internationalization - How to update language at runtime