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New posts in internationalization

mustache i18n with parameters

How do you manage translations for your Android app? [duplicate]

Is there a standalone i18n library in Ruby?

MySQL Database I18N, a JSON approach?

Rails I18n with serialized attributes using fields_for

Django's support for translations in Javascript files

Is it a good idea to use Gettext and ICU MessageFormat combined?

Organizing Javascript i18n files for modular app

how to reload language files in "production"

Google Translate BUTTON producing odd results on some pages

Spree - i18n gem issue

Certain national characters blocked in Sublime Text 3

Is there something for Internationalization in Php (PhpStorm) as we have in Java (Intellij IDEA)

Internationalization by subdomain in Spring Boot

Internationalization of static JS in Django

View of nodes and their translations

Writing UTF8 text to file

How can I sort YAML files?

Java: Send email to a Non-ASCII email address

Is it better to compare strings using toLowerCase or toUpperCase in JavaScript?