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New posts in internationalization

Should logging be affected by Internationalisation?

Is it important to i18n your img alt attributes?

html internationalization

Custom Rails I18n Locale Pluralization Help

What to use for localization in JSPs with Spring?

Swedish text in Web.config

Django model i18n of content

can't figure out how to do i18n on Devise

Struts2 internationalization using a database

Good way to provide Rails-way i18n support in Django

It's possible i18n with Inform 7

Module Localization in DNN

Rails 3 I18n for database tables

Oracle search text with non-english characters

Zend Translate doesn't find language

What's the recommended rails way to I18n in Rails 3

How to internationalize java source code?

How does folder name translation work in international Windows 7 versions?

Grails how to change the current locale

tchar.h on linux

Romanization of Unicode text