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How to remove bar under tab in active editor

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Running spark inside intellij idea HttpServletResponse - ClassNotFoundException

Kill java thread in Intellij-IDEA debugger

How to make Android Studio use my build.gradle template for a new project?

Cucumber.js debugging in IntelliJ

Code in IntelliJ IDEA marked with compiler error where it works fine in Eclipse

How to automate android app builds

java android intellij-idea

Intellij IDEA Plugin for RAML

Intellij Groovy Compiler throws error Grabbing Grapes (download failed)

How to remove (phantom) breakpoints pointing to old/missing source from Intellij IDEA?

Set up environment variables for Gradle Runner and JUnit tests on Intellij Idea

java intellij-idea gradle

Error in executing the generated jar file

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource in IntelliJ while it works fine in Eclipse

IntelliJ IDEA doesn't highlight the code which throws an exception - how to turn it on?

java intellij-idea

Mouse doesn't work during debugging JavaFX projects in idea is running on KDE 5

"No public or protected classes found to document" error from path with accents

NoSuchMethodError when using Spark and IntelliJ

Is there a way to color console.log messages in WebStorm like dev tools?

intellij-idea webstorm

Cannot start app on tomcat with intellij

java tomcat intellij-idea

Guidelines for splitting up a very large Gradle project with lots of sub projects to make Gradle Build Faster and IntelliJ Gradle Refresh faster