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Intellij IDEA Plugin for RAML

I have just started using RAML in my Java project. I am using Intellij IDEA and there my RAML file is displayed as raw text, without any text highlighting. It seems that it doesn't recognize this type of file at all.

Is there any plugin for RAML in Intellij IDEA?

Mostly I tried to google it and also checked in the list of plugins. If plugin doesn't exist, what would you suggest? It seems that then I would need to use some other tool to modify properly this file.

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Rufi Avatar asked Mar 14 '23 22:03


2 Answers

RESTful API Modeling Language (RAML) is a YAML-based language for describing RESTful APIs.

Intellij has a plugin for YAML syntax so you can use that for RAML.

  • Just go to settings -> Editor -> File Types.

  • Then under Recognized File Types just scroll down to YAML and select it.

  • Now just add *.raml and *.rml to the Registered Patterns section and you will get syntax highlighting.

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gmoney Avatar answered Mar 23 '23 21:03


There is a plugin Raml Intellij Plugin . It is still in beta but you can use it. You can download directly from the Intellij Repositories

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machaval Avatar answered Mar 23 '23 19:03
