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New posts in inline-assembly

GCC Inline-Assembly Error: "Operand size mismatch for 'int'"

GCC's extended version of asm

Why Some Assembly Instruction Are not Documented

Fastest factorial implementation with 64-bit result in assembly

GCC: Inline assembly - good for?

`ldm/stm` in gcc inline ARM assembly

I don't understand this extend assembly inline code in C

c assembly inline-assembly

Using Assembler in C without using placeholders

Replacing function with inline assembly C

Passing variable from assembler to C

Why does GCC inline assembler require you to specify input/output both by position and by constraint?

Work around lack of Yz machine constraint under Clang?

Help understanding DIV instruction in x86 inline assembly

GCC inline assembly : let compiler decide what register to use for temp value

How to access C variable for inline assembly manipulation?

c gcc assembly inline-assembly

Changing a number value using an inline assembly in C++

c++ inline-assembly

How to read registers: RAX, RBX, RCX, RDX, RSP. RBP, RSI, RDI in C or C++? [duplicate]

c++ c inline-assembly

How to use variables in __asm?

A strcpy gcc inline assembly code

c gcc assembly inline-assembly