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New posts in implicit-conversion

Why can I put an ifstream file in an if condition?

c++ implicit-conversion

How to implicitly wrap a value that can be null or an array into an Scala Option

Why can two implicit conversions exist that differ only by return constness?

Implicitly converting int to double

c# implicit-conversion

Why bother using a float / double literal when not needed?

Is there any significance to this return statement?

Why isn't `From` automatically used for coercing to trait implementing type

Prefer std::string in std::variant<bool, std::string> for const char *

Does C++ guarantee this enum vs int constructor overload resolution?

Implicit conversion of vector<shared_ptr<Foo> > to vector<shared_ptr<const Foo> >

What type does function has?

scala implicit-conversion

explain the Outcome of C program [duplicate]

c implicit-conversion

Why can't I use non-integral types with switch [duplicate]

How to enforce type in function params and avoid implicit conversion?

Scala: using None for other purposes than empty Option

Why does g++ not warn/err while concatenating an integer to a string using +=

Will implicit conversions lose information?

c++ implicit-conversion

Passing an array as a parameter in C

Will the c# compiler perform multiple implicit conversions to get from one type to another?

Why eval("475957E-8905") == "475957E-8905" is true?