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New posts in ignore

Ignoring a directory chain in git?

git file ignore gitignore glob

git ignore file still commits logs

git ignore

How to ignore a file or directory in git, be it tracked, untracked or even part of commit

git ignore gitignore

git diff to ignore patterns in files

Accurev: how to ignore contents of a directory but not the directory

directory ignore accurev

Ignore files when commit Android studio

How is ignore-paths evaluated in git svn?

regex git git-svn ignore

Can't ignore a file in Mercurial Commit (TortoiseHG)

Exclude directories from tar archive with a .tarignore file

How to make SVN ADD ignore binaries

svn binary directory add ignore

SVN ignoring hidden files (.project .pydevproject and . files)

svn ignore svnignore

Get Emacs to ignore *.orig files

mercurial .hgignore - won't ignore files

file mercurial ignore hgignore

Git- Why .txt file is not ignored

git ignore

ClearCase and Eclipse: How to hide/ignore files?

git -- handling frozen content

Which reporting services file types are safe to ignore on git?

SVN with Xcode 4 Ignore List

svn xcode4 ignore