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Which reporting services file types are safe to ignore on git?

I looked this up and almost every answer linked to a gitignore repository or a website. However, upon inspection I've found that it doesn't ignore files that I'm having problems with.

The files in question are:

  • Reports .rptproj.user
  • Reports .rptproj.rsuser
  • .smss_suo

Which of these files are safe to ignore? Which are not? And for what reasons?


like image 462
Nimchip Avatar asked Nov 02 '17 13:11


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1 Answers

This totally depends on what you want to track in source control. I'd say typically files prefixed with a "dot" are safe to ignore/exclude from source control.

Some of your files contain the word "user" which would imply they're user-specific files and shouldn't be committed; otherwise, each user would likely have diff changes for these files each time they worked on the project, which probably isn't what you want. I see one file has "suo" which is a Visual Studio convention for "solution user options", and the same logic applies there too.

I'd assume you want to track PROJECTNAME.rds in source control, and you wouldn't want to track the others.

like image 107
Taylor Wood Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 04:11

Taylor Wood