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Why Mozilla has JavaScript documentation written with IDL

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Generate Ocaml bindings stubs from C header file

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How to specify a default value for VARIANT_BOOL?

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CORBA IDL in, out and inout

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Generating java from IDL (avoiding default package)

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How to specify a default value for an enum using avro IDL?

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IDL enumeration not displayed in type library

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xQuartz Extremely Slow Response

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Notepad++ IDL Syntax Highlighting? [closed]

Java IDL : servertool does not register and hangs

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WebKit JS bindings: step by step how to

javascript binding webkit idl

How do I convert a .tlb file to headers and implementation files?

Differences between [in, out] and [out, retval] in COM IDL definitions

com idl notation

How to get IDL from a .NET assembly (or how to to convert TLB to IDL) in a command line?

.net idl typelib

How do I share a constant between C# and C++ code?

c# c++ idl maintainability

What are oaidl.idl and ocidl.idl for?

atl idl

IDL for JSON REST/RPC interface

Machine-readable (WebIDL) reference for JavaScript / HTML5?

javascript html idl

Including a .idl file in a C++ project