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Web IDE tool

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In Zend studio, how to tell the ide the type of a variable, so I have auto completion?

Aptana: which one is better? Standalone Version or Eclipse Plug-in Version?

Right Pop up menu coming slowly

Best IDE to edit and save code directly to server [closed]

How do I open the memory browser in Xcode 4?

Can the JEDI Code Library, Delphi IDE menu item (JCL Options...), be moved?

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Show line number in script editor

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How can I set encoding to ANSI in PhpStorm?

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Delphi Form Designer doesn't undo changes

How do I disable some inspections for modules in IntelliJ IDEA?

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Can you really build a fast word processor with GoF Design Patterns?

Is Netbeans a good IDE for C/C++ nowadays?

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Visual Studio: Create a Hello World app in C?

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Java IDE - find all INDIRECT usages/references of a function or class?

Any windows based IDE to view objective-c code?

Ruby on Rails use an IDE or stick with a good text editor

perl editor/IDE similar to source insight for C

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Is it possible to have real time collaboration in an online IDE?

A python IDE with Code Completion including parameter-object-type inference