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New posts in httpwebrequest

How to get data from web page?

Problems authenticating to website from code

AFNetworking's AFHTTPClient how to debug the http request?

BitStamp Error:"POST only Endpoint" not recognizing my post request

httpwebrequest postman

ASP.NET Storing Contextual Data During A Request

The remote server returned an error: (407) Proxy Authentication Required

c# httpwebrequest

Messing with Encoding and XslCompiledTransform

xml xslt httpwebrequest

Substitute for WebClient to Prevent Timeouts?

c# xml httpwebrequest

XMLRPC Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Exception' with message 'Read timed out after 10 seconds

Downloading file from url with timeout

why is use of "new NetworkCredential(username, password)" not working for Basic Authentication to my website (from a WinForms C# app)?

Sending POST data with C#

How to interact with a website without a browser? [closed]

Is SQL Injection possible with POST?

Sending SMS for a bulk of users

Recommendations for executing .NET HttpWebRequests in parallel in ASP.NET

Change the Uri of a instance of HttpWebRequest?

c# .net httpwebrequest uri

Why does BitmapImage RequestCachePolicy get ignored?