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New posts in http-status-codes

How to globally handle HTTP errors in Grails (status codes 4xx/5xx)?

A generic mechanism to deal with HTTP status codes

Highlight numbers like keywords in a Notepad++ custom language (for access logs)

Why does IIS return code 404.13 instead of code 413 when a request is too large?

Where do extended (decimal, e.g. 400.1, 401.4, etc.) HTTP status codes come from?

http http-status-codes

Is it kosher to send a 404 or 410, but still show the content?

HTTP status code for a boolean resource

Download Stream with RestSharp and ResponseWriter

Override http status code from validator

Is there a maximum HTTP status code message length?

How can I return a HttpStatusCode from an IQueryable<T>?

Setting HTTP Status in ASP.NET MVC controller results does not render view

HTTP status code for limited collection?

what should be HTTP status code for credentials Expired error/exception?

rest http-status-codes

Is ETag returned in a 304 response?

Response.Redirect() vs Response.RedirectPermanent()

Grails/Groovy URL .getText receive status

Adding custom HTTP status code symbols

Parsing JSONP Response in Javascript when 4xx or 5xx Http Error Code is Present

How to handle specific HTTP error for all AJAX calls?