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Historic reason for using periods in version numbers?

versioning history notation

How to go to last edit location in Android Studio

Why use quality values in the HTTP Accept-Language header?

http http-headers history

What's the reason for leaving an extra blank line at the end of a code file?

Why are leading zeroes used to represent octal numbers?

Windows Data Types... why so redundant/undescriptive?

c winapi types history

git: Merge Branches but Keep Commit History

Why does C's "fopen" take a "const char *" as its second argument?

c file-io history

Why does/did C allow implicit function and typeless variable declarations?

Why is it thought of 'T *name' to be the C way and 'T* name' to be the C++ way?

History of access control modifiers such as public/private/protected

oop history

What are the default buffer size for java.io.BufferedInputStream on old and exotic JVMs?

How could I change window's location without reloading and # hack?

How to load bash command history from file

Angular 7 Router - Navigate without adding to the history

Why does software have EULA? [closed]

licensing history eula

Is there a way to change a SVN users username through the entire repository history?

svn repository history rename

rbenv irb history is not saving

ruby history irb rbenv

What happened to Java Binary Compatibility?

java history

git log history simplification

git history logging