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New posts in hexagonal-tiles

ggplot2 stat_binhex(): keep bin radius while changing plot size

snap to closest hexagon centre in hex based grid

Drawing a hex grid in Flash?

Neural Networks for hexagon-shaped (and binned) images?

Making a hexagonal plot with elements being weighted in python

Generate, fill and plot a hexagonal lattice in Python

python plot hexagonal-tiles

Algorithm for creating cells by spiral on the hexagonal field

How to reliably generate hexagonal grid over a world map

Faster way to calculate hexagon grid coordinates

R - Plotting Hexagon Tessellations

Displaying data in a hexagonal grid using Python

Raytracing (LoS) on 3D hex-like tile maps

How to draw/manage a hexagon grid?

How to make stat_binhex shown on a log scale in ggplot2

r ggplot2 hexagonal-tiles

Best Way to Store a Triangular/Hexagonal Grid in Python

Finding adjacent neighbors on a hexagonal grid

Hexagon grid on sphere without pentagon


JavaScript Point Collision with Regular Hexagon

Mathematically producing sphere-shaped hexagonal grid