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New posts in hazelcast

Configuring a two node hazelcast cluster - avoiding multicast


Creating and Removing an Map from HazelCast


HazelcastInstance vs HazelcastClient

Distributed caching for large objects

Redis, Mongo or Hazelcast?

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How do you create a Hazelcast instance embedded in-process/in-memory, without networking?

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Persisting data on disk using Hazelcast

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How is Partitioning done in Hazelcast

Weird Hazelcat IMap#put() behaviour

Suddenly I'm getting "Hazelcast instance is not active!"

java hazelcast

JGroups, Terracotta & Hazelcast

Hazelcast (Java) and ETCD (golang) differences/similarities?

Hazelcast vs. Ignite benchmark

Clustering and Shared Data in Vert.x

hazelcast vert.x

Zookeeper vs In-memory-data-grid vs Redis

RealWorld HazelCast [closed]

Where does Redis store the data

Unable to register MBean [HikariDataSource (HikariPool-0)] with key 'dataSource'

redis vs hazelcast [closed]

redis hazelcast

hazelcast vs ehcache

ehcache hazelcast