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New posts in hazelcast

How to disable default shutdown hook of Hazelcast in spring boot

java spring-boot hazelcast

Spring Data JPA Meta JpaMetamodelMappingContext Memory Consumption

Difference between hazelcast.jar and hazelcast-all.jar

java hazelcast

Leader election with: Etcd vs Zookeeper vs Hazelcast

Redis vs Memcahced vs Hazelcast [closed]

redis memcached hazelcast

Hazelcast single node fast startup for debugging

Hazelcast: Questions regarding multi-node consistency

any benefit from using Hazelcast instead of MongoDB to store user sessions/keys?

How can I check if a hazelcast cluster is alive from a java client?

Combining Spring, Quartz Scheduling and Hazelcast

How partitioning works in Hazelcast?


Hazelcast server as a linux service


Centralized cache server. (Ehcache or Hazelcast)

Hazelcast scheduled jobs (Quartz support?)

Hazelcast access using CLI


Hazelcast REST API

java rest hazelcast

Why hazelcast has default partition count of 271 and what are the parameters to chose one?


Reconnect a Hazelcast Client

java hazelcast

after upgrade to Spring Boot 2, how to expose cache metrics to prometheus?

Hazelcast dedicated nodes

java hazelcast