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Difference between hazelcast.jar and hazelcast-all.jar




Current release of Hazelcast is 3.4 and I see there are two jars in the lib folder of the download page http://hazelcast.org/download/

  • hazelcast-3.4.jar
  • hazelcast-all-3.4.jar

What is the diffence between these jars? WHcih one should I choose, and why?

like image 699
Yasin Okumuş Avatar asked Mar 17 '15 15:03

Yasin Okumuş

1 Answers

hazelcast–3.4.1.jar — The core hazelcast JAR.

hazelcast-all–3.4.1.jar — Includes all of the libraries here in one JAR file.

hazelcast-client–3.4.1.jar — Java native client library to be included on classpath for Hazelcast client.

hazelcast-cloud–3.4.1.jar — To connect to a Hazelcast cluster on AWS as a client or node, include this library.

hazelcast-hibernate(Hibernate version)–3.4.1.jar — These are the libraries that enable Hazelcast to be used as a Hibernate 2nd Level Cache, for Hibernate 3 and 4.

hazelcast-jca–3.4.1.jar and hazelcast-jca-rar–3.4.1.rar — These are the libraries when you want to use a Hazelcast Resource Adapter implementation.

hazelcast-spring–3.4.1.jar — This is the library to integrate Hazelcast with Spring based applications.

hazelcast-wm–3.4.1.jar — This is the Hazelcast's session replication module library.

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Bilal Yasar Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 23:09

Bilal Yasar