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New posts in spring-cache

How to use cache on controller/service in spring boot?

Junit for Spring Cache Manager

What is difference between ttl and maxIdletime in Redisson CacheConfig

redis spring-cache redisson

How can I set correct Last-Modified header value for Spring Web Service that is cached using Spring Cache?

Order of annotation processing in Spring (@Cacheable and @Timed)

Custom CacheResolver not working

java spring spring-cache

javanica @HystrixCommand and spring @Cacheable execution order

How to create a Jcache in Spring Java config?

Spring cache with Redis using Jackson serializer: How to deal with multiple type of domain object

Spring Boot: Overriding CacheManager bean makes cache related properties not work

ehcache giving error after migrating spring boot from 1.5.12 to 1.5.13

spring-boot spring-cache

Issues with testing Spring's declarative caching support on a Spring data repository

Cannot find the cache named xxx for the builder in spring boot application

spring-boot spring-cache

set expire key at specific time when using Spring caching with Redis

Spring caching / spring repository, evict multiple keys

ACL security in Spring Boot

How to make a list thread-safe for serialization?

Spring Webflux and @Cacheable - proper way of caching result of Mono / Flux type