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New posts in has-many

Rails - how to store "has_many" checkboxes association in database?

laravel array_map get error "array_map(): Argument #2 should be an array"

arrays laravel has-many

Is it possible to have a compound foreign key in rails?

How do I pass a string to a has_many :finder_sql parameter?

How to know who is the parent in a Grails hasMany relationship?

grails grails-orm has-many

ruby on rails - how to make relationship works in route, controller, view ? has_many, belongs_to

Using factory girl to create a trait of has_many relationship

I have a has_many relationships and I want to set custom limit and offset. as well as to count them

Does inverse_of works with has_many?

Order Players on the SUM of their association model

Use Carrierwave with a one to many relation between models

ruby on rails, has_many, define class name for polymorphic relationship

Referring to instance in has_many (Rails)

Rails 4: Order has_many in serializer

Error while using `find_or_create_by` on a `has_many` `through` association

Saving object having many-to-many relationship in grails

grails groovy save has-many

How do I retrieve a list of created IDs for bulk insert in Active Record?

has_many returns an array instead of ActiveRecord class

ExtJS 4: Understanding hasMany and belongsTo

has_many and single table inheritance