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New posts in has-many

Do I need a join table for a has_many :through association?

Has_many, belongs_to with multiple foreign keys

Rails: How to Convert has_one to has_many association

Ruby on Rails 3: How to access an attribute of each record in a has_many query

ActiveRecord: treating has_many list as a simple array

cocoon gem install / usage?

EmberJS: Cannot read property 'typeKey' of undefined

Rails 4 Eager Load has_many Associations for single object

Alternative method for proxy_owner in ActiveRecord

When are Active Record objects in has_many relationships saved?

Active Record has_many generates sql with foreign key IS NULL

How to create "two-side" many-to-many relationships in Rails?

Disabling automatic saving through has_many association - Disconnecting ActiveRecord entity from session

ruby on rails how to get latest records from has many relationship

ruby-on-rails ruby has-many

Ember Data: Using "links" on JSON payload for hasMany relationships

ActiveRecord Associations: Any gotchas if has_many WITHOUT corresponding belongs_to?

Rails self-referential has_many through with custom naming of join table

How can I minimize the 'contain' queries in CakePHP?

What is the "rails way" to enforce a has_many but has-only-one-current association?