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New posts in hardware-acceleration

Hardware layers and hardware acceleration on Android

Getting QualComm encoders to work via MediaCodec API

How much of a modern graphics pipeline uses dedicated hardware?

What graphic cards do Android emulator GPU emulation support?

Is there a way to use application that use hardware accelerated OpenGL on a headless machine?

CSS hardware accelerated width?

What buffering strategy should I use for my 2D scrolling map?

Android Canvas and Hardware Acceleration?

Slow page transitions on Android with hardware acceleration on

What is the optimal way to animate a drawable within a view using the animator classes?

Hardware acceleration for Android Studio not working

Disable Adobe Flash Player hardware acceleration in the embed code or AS

UnsupportedOperationException in GLES20Canvas.clipPath with hardware acceleration disabled on view

Using Hardware Layer in Custom View onDraw

Why does calling setScaleX during pinch zoom gesture cause flicker?

Verify that VP8 HW encoding/decoding is really working on Linux

Are 2D transforms hardware accelerated in Mobile Safari?

WebView inside ViewPager or ScrollView - weird rendering bug on Android 3.0+