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Resources For Guava [closed]

java guava

Missing artifact com.google.guava:guava:bundle:18.0

java eclipse maven guava

A complex key for guavas Cache (shifting)

java caching guava shift

Guava EventBus: don't catch RuntimeException

In Kotlin, how to delegate to an interface and provide only a no-arg public constructor?

guava kotlin

Java bounded non-blocking buffer for high concurrent situation

Java: external class for determining equivalence?

Guava Bloom Filter does not support large insertions?

guava bloom-filter

Java method params: var args vs array

Redis versus Guava Cache

How do you simulate a null safe operator with a default return value?

java guava

Use of Google-collections MapMaker?

java map guava

Google Guava's CacheLoader loadAll() vs reload() semantics

java caching guava

How to sort guava multimap? (KEY=DATE)

java sorting guava multimap

LoadingCache with async loading

java caching guava

Why checkNotNull() is not annotated with @Nonnull

java guava

Application is not starting in websphere 8.5.5 but works fine in tomcat

Are there any guava overviews?

java guava

Iterables.find and Iterators.find - instead of throwing exception, get null

java guava

Guava cache eviction policy
