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New posts in guava

Transform and convert a List to Set with Guava

java collections guava

jUnit and Guava, comparing list equality after transform()

java junit guava

Is there a Comparator to "naturally" sort strings that may contain numbers, guava?

java string sorting guava

How to design an immutable value class holding java.lang.String?

java guava immutability

Build-automation - sbt: Compile/Test against multiple dependencies

spark 1.4.0 java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.google.common.base.Stopwatch.elapsedMillis()J

java scala apache-spark guava

Why was & used over && in java when comparing two bools?

java optimization guava

Using Google Guava with Android 1.6

java android guava

How to await a list of ListenableFuture with a timeout

java guava future

Efficient hash code for multiset in Java

java guava hashcode multiset

How backward compatible is Guava/Google Collections?

java guava

In guava, why is just "T" used where "? super T" would be possible?

How do I prevent use of beta classes from google guava library?

java guava

guava-libraries: Is Objects.hashCode(Object[]) collision safe?

java guava hashcode

Guava Sets.intersection bad performance

What is the performance penalty of enabling stats on Guava Cache objects?

java performance caching guava

Using MapMaker to create a cache
