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New posts in gnu-assembler

What does the colon : mean in x86 assembly GAS syntax as in %ds:(%bx)?

what is jmpl instruction in x86?

assembly x86 gnu-assembler att

gas: too many memory reference

assembly x86 gnu-assembler att

Assembling with GCC causes weird relocation error with regards to .data

gcc assembly gnu-assembler

What does `b .` mean in this ASSEMBLY code?

How can I get an extra segment in DOS?

What does the ljmp instruction do in the linux kernel fork system call?

How to compile an assembly file to a raw binary (like DOS .com) format with GNU assembler (as)? [duplicate]

Move quadword between xmm and general-purpose register in ml64?

How many byes is each instruction compiled to in x86 assembly?

How to get the size of a C function from inside a C program or with inline assembly?

c gcc assembly elf gnu-assembler

gnu arm assembler command line macro fails with "Invalid identifier for .ifdef"

gcc assembly gnu-assembler

GNU ld removes section

What is the difference between .global and .globl?

assembly x86 gnu-assembler

What's a good way to deal with or remember backwards arguments to cmp in the GNU assembler?

assembly x86 gnu gnu-assembler

documentation of gnu assembler directives

Memory addressing with GNU Assember Intel Syntax

jonesforth segmentation fault

gcc gnu-assembler forth

What does the ".align" x86 Assembler directive do exactly?

Incrementing from 0 to 100 in assembly language

gnu-assembler assembly