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Clone a Git repo into the current folder (not a new subfolder)

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How to make `git push -f` "safe"


How does visual studio 2013 remember the mapping between a remote git/tfs repository and a local path?

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Eclipse Luna file names not shown in GIT Commit Changes dialogue

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Forgot branch name where code was committed


git: editing a file cause ^M to appear when using git diff

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git warning "unable to access permission denied" on a .gitignore directory

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How to remove a forked project from my Github profile

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Why cannot add a large file to a Git repository

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Why does git (sometimes) clone a commit when merging?

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How to use the new CredentialsProvider in LibGit2Sharp?

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Should I commit media files to my github repo?

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Can't clone git repo on windows when some file names contain asterisk

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jgit - Delete .git directory (or get files without it)

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Remove Remote Fork

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How can I get "git show" to show diffs with full context?

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How can I allow only certain people to commit in Visual Studio Online?

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How do I execute a job for specific branch/tag on Gitlab CI 5.4+?

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Why is BFG changing my latest commit?

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Jenkins Git Parameter plugin cannot fetch tags

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