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Eclipse Luna file names not shown in GIT Commit Changes dialogue





I've recently updated to Eclipse Luna standard on Linux Mint. There seem to be a few bugs with it which I've managed to work around, except for when I'm committing changes with Git.

The "Commit Changes" dialog comes up as expected, but the files window shows only a list of file icons without file names. Has anyone else seen this and know how to fix it?

I've tried upgrading to the latest eGit, but that hasn't helped.

I haven't been able to find anyone else with this problem on google.

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Paul Grenyer Avatar asked Mar 19 '23 01:03

Paul Grenyer

1 Answers

From https://www.eclipse.org/forums/index.php/t/796457/, a solution has been published to force a different GTK mode:

SWT_GTK3=0 eclipse

If it works, a permanent option: You can add the following lines to eclipse.ini to make it permanent


Source: http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?t=115477

like image 181
Anibal Sanchez Avatar answered Mar 22 '23 09:03

Anibal Sanchez