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New posts in bfg-repo-cleaner

Why is BFG changing my latest commit?

git bfg-repo-cleaner

Need to clone repo after using bfg repo-cleaner or pull on existing?

How to verify that BFG Repo-Cleaner has correctly removed a large file from a git repository?

git bfg-repo-cleaner

Inspect git repo after using BFG repo-cleaner

Cleaning git repository BFG Repo-Cleaner --- repo size is still large after I push

git github bfg-repo-cleaner

Git: Delete a specific file using bfg (beg-repo-cleaner)

git bfg-repo-cleaner

can bfg-repo-cleaner list affected files before deleting them


How to find the git object id of an object with a known hash

git bfg-repo-cleaner

Warning : no large blobs matching criteria found in packfiles - does the repo need to be packed?

git bfg-repo-cleaner

git notes after BFG?

BFG Repo Cleaner is not working as expected

git bfg-repo-cleaner

Git BFG to retroactively enable LFS - protected commits issue

git github bfg-repo-cleaner

Git Merge Duplication after Ineffective BFG Use

Bitbucket is alarming that my git repo is too large but I cannot confirm large files

Reset all branches of a local repo to be the same as remote

BFG Repo Cleaner – Alternative to Fresh Clone

How to use .jar tool BFG Repo Cleaner and reduce git repository?

How to delete one folder / directory using BFG repo cleaner?

How to update/shrink the size of my github repo after running BFG Repo Cleaner

How to remove a protected commit using BFG

git bfg-repo-cleaner